The bridal bouquet «Charlotte» is the wonderful bouquet in the English style. It is creative and discreet at the same time. This amazing bouquet is perfect because of its creams David Austin roses that are framed by cream spray roses, white freesia, pink hypericum and green eucalyptus. The cute ribbon and the little silvery decoration make the bouquet a really amazing.
This bouquet will be suitable for delicate and exquisite natures, for connoisseurs of beauty and perfection. The bouquet «Charlotte» is a real floral splendor! Bride with this bouquet shows her pure taste and emphasizes her tenderness and tremulous beauty. This bouquet will suit to any dress.
Attention: design of the bouquet may differ slightly from that shown in the website pictures.
This bouquet consists of rare flowers, so it must be ordered 14 days before the the date of delivery.