For all orders for the recipient Tetiana on January 25th — chocolate as a gift!
Attention! Order this bouquet 2 weeks before the date of delivery.
A hundred of gorgeous fresh roses are artfully assembled into a huge hemisphere. A silk ribbon that ties up this gorgeous bouquet wrapped in snow-white package is of the same unexpected and amazingly rich blue color as the roses are. The lower part of the stems is not hidden on purpose – the numerous divergent rays of their tips peeled off the thorns and trimmed neatly create a kind of openwork addition to this chic bouquet of fabulous beauty.
No doubt the bouquet is worth being presented at a special celebration to which it will add some mystery and mystique. Blue roses symbolize a dream, they are a perfect present for mysterious and enigmatic personalities. An occasion can be various: an anniversary, a wedding, a corporate holiday, a party celebrating an important event in a person’s life - when his or her dream has come true.
Attention: Bouquet may differ slightly from the pictures on the website.