Note! This bouquet must be ordered 7 days before the date of delivery.
Bouquet "Flag of Ukraine" - a luxurious composition in the colors of the national flag of Ukraine. You can buy a bouquet in the national colors of Ukraine for both a woman and a man, and for decorating official receptions. Such a present will be most relevant when congratulating on a birthday, anniversary, conferring an academic degree or solemn farewell to the retirement of a person holding a leadership position or a high-ranking civil servant.
The original selection of flowers gives saturation to the bouquet. The blue part of the "flag" is represented by Vanda orchids, statice and irises, and its sunny strip is "woven" of yellow chrysanthemums and gerberas. A creative idea demonstrates the boundless possibilities of corporate floristry - we can embody any of your ideas in a bouquet.
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