Bouquet «For a feast» is a universal gift for any celebration. It’s pertinent present for men and women of all ages and abilities. Such a colorful bouquet would become a marvelous surprise for a beloved one and relatives, but also for business partners and colleagues.
This bouquet is a mix of beautiful red roses, lush green chrysanthemums, a delicate white freesia and a cute gerbera. The bouquet of these flowers is the best that will express your best wishes. Share your feelings with the bunch of colorful and saturated flowers — give this flower wonder to a dear one on any of holidays. Birthday, an anniversary, a wedding, March 8th, a professional holiday of a close one — the celebration would become much more amazing with this gentle present. You can be sure!
Attention! Bouquet decoration may differ from the images displayed on our site. The value of the vase is not included in the price of the bouquet.